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Business English/Business

[재무제표 영어 표현] / Financial Statement / Revenue / Gross profit / Operating Profit / Net Profit / Cost of Goods Sold

by Live. Laugh. Love 2023. 2. 28.





Revenue = Gross sales 매출액

Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations


Net sales = gross sales – (customer discounts + returns + allowances)








● The annual revenue of our company reaches 3 million dollars.


● The company's annual revenue rose by 30% due to the ~~~.


● Sales in January account for nearly 15% of our annual revenue.


● Last month's revenue is not as good as what we expected.


● First-quarter revenue will be as much as 760 million won.


● Our revenue in the first quarter increased by 19%. 


● Revenue for the fourth quarter is expected to be between $300 million and $310 million.







Gross Income = Gross Profit 매출총이익


Gross Income = Gross Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold



● In 2020, our company's gross income was $7 billion.


● The increase in net income is only 51% of gross income.







Cost of Goods Sold 매출원가


Cost of goods sold (COGS) is the cost of acquiring or manufacturing the products that a company sells during a period, so the only costs included in the measure are those that are directly tied to the production of the products, including the cost of labor, materials, and manufacturing overhead.










Gross Profit 매출총이익

Gross Profit = Net Revenue 순매출 - COGS(Cost of Goods Sold) 매출원가

Gross Profit = Sales - Cost of Goods Sold



Gross margin = [(net sales – cost of goods sold)/net sales] × 100%.



● Gross profit increased $105 million to $1.8 billion. 1억 5백만 달러가 증가하여 18억 달러가 되었다.


● Gross profit rose 4 percent to 2.19 billion won. 21억 9천만원







Operating Profit 영업이익

Operating Profit 

- Operating Revenue(영업수익=매출액) - Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) (매출원가) = Gross Profit

- Operating Expenses(영업비 : 판매비 및 일반 관리비) - Depreciation(감가상각) - Amortization(무형자산의 상각)








Net Profit = Net Income = Net Earnings 당기순이익

Net Profit = Total Revenue - Total Expenses    

Net Profit(Net Income) = Net Revenue - COGS - Operating and Other expenses - Interest - Tax




● Net profit was up 14%


● Net profit went up by 15 percent this year.


● The annual net profit amounts to 20 million dollars.


● Our company made a 11 percent net profit for the year.






Net Income 당기순이익

Net income is your actual business profit after expenses and allowable deductions are taken out.

1. Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold – Expenses = Net Income

2. Gross income – Expenses = Net Income

3. Total Revenues – Total Expenses = Net Income

4. Net income (or net profit) = operating profit – taxes – interest

   Operating profit = gross profit – total operating expenses



● The net income of our company has doubled in the last three years.


● Net income is down considerably this quarter.


● The net income has declined by five percent.


● Net income for the first quarter was $7 million compared to a net loss of $13 million in the prior year.


● Net income growth is skyrocketing right now.







[Reporting Vocabulary] 판매 보고서 영어 표현 / Sales Report / Target / Goal / In the black / In the red

Target ● Did you reach your sales target? ● Our sales target for this year is 30 billion won. ● The sales team achieved 17% sales growth against the target of 20%. ●..




